Tooth Replacement

Even if you take care of your teeth with regular visits to Fairbanks Dental Care and perform consistent flossing, brushing and rinsing with mouthwash, you might end up needing tooth replacement. An injury suffered in a sports event, tooth decay, gum disease or even a genetic condition can lead to tooth loss. However, there is no reason to panic if you lose a tooth. Our dental health specialists are here to perform tooth replacement on your behalf. We have a wide variety of options available for tooth replacement ranging from dental implants to partial dentures, fixed dental bridges and more.

Though no one wants a natural tooth that has been lost, damaged or decayed to be replaced with a fake one, doing so is sometimes in your interest. A missing tooth or one that is extracted without replacement will lead to facial sagging in the area where the tooth is missing. Furthermore, a lost or extracted tooth leaves an opening in the gums for harmful bacteria and other nasty particles to collect, ultimately leading to more difficult and expensive dental health problems down the line. Rely on our team for tooth replacement and you will find your smile looks better, chewing through food proves easier and your face does not sag.